Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I have been inspired....

I have been inspired by my best friend to return to the Blogging world. Jillie has a wonderful new food blog that EVERYONE needs to go visit Provident Kitchen If you get stumped for dinner ideas or just need to make something new check her out. YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!!

I know its been months. I have a suitcase full of excuses but, I'll save them for later. So much to update but I think I'll just start where we are at this moment.

Right now I am a full-time stay @ home mom. And I haven't been this happy in a long time. I'm loving it. Oh don't get me wrong, we are so dang poor and stressed but faithful. I also have the opportunity to babysit some really Great kids to help our income. I get paid to play and love it. Along with everything else, I have a side boutique called, "Bangles, Dangles and Bows"

It a jewelery and hair accessories type of thing. It's fun to do in my spare time. WAHAHAHAHA.

Blake is a working going to school fool. I am so proud of him. A few months ago, he decided to go back to school. Wow!! He is in his second term at Eagle Gate College studying Massage and Body Work and I must say, "HE'S DAMN GOOD!" Its like he was meant for this. So if anyone needs a massage give him a call. He still is working in the Printing business 3 days a week and in school 4. On his days off he helps with the extra kids. He is really great with the New babies. They just love snuggling in his strong arms and I think its a good calmer for him. I can't tell you how proud I am of him. I know there are people that don't understand what we do and then there are those that just love us because we are trying. Love you Honey!

Gracie is 8 and was baptized in September by her dad. It was such a special day for all of us. She is in the 3rd grade and loves to read and style anyone that would let her. She loves clothes and putting things together and she is really good at it.

Lilly started Kindergarten this year. Her teacher thinks she is a wonderful little girl. She loves homework and writing. And can't wait to really read. It's fun to see her grow and be excited. I hope she continues on that path.

Emily is my little helper. She is 4 and stays home with me and takes care of the 2 year old children we care for. She is a little mommy to them. I love to be able to watch her grow. I never really had this opportunity with the older girls. She is my shadow and is such a good girl. Kunka also loves to do "homework". She can write her name, shapes and numbers. I think she is much farther along than her older sisters at this age.

We also have the dogs, Barney and Clyde and our newest member Lucy our cute orange tabby.
We have learned so much over the last few months. Our faith has really been tested and we know that its not over yet. But, we have our family and the support of friends whom we love. Thanks to all that has supported us in decisions and helped us in many way..We Love you.


Jill said...

Love you! And thanks for the plug for my blog. Just keep swimming...

Heather said...

Hey! Thank goodness for RSS Feeds... I am SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK TO BLOGGING!! I'm not a big Facebook person, so I feel like I've totally lost touch with your family. I'm looking forward to getting back up on your news and those adorable girls... wow, they got big and pretty. Baptized... wow. Wasn't I JUST at Gracie's baby blessing?!?

Jenny said...

So good to see your blog up again. I love hearing what you guys are up to. You are an amazing, strong woman!