Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Meme: 5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

As I was reading my dear friends blog the Bratt Family about the 5 things I probably didn't know about them, I noticed right at the end of their post was a tag for Me "OLGA" to do the same thing. So here I go.

5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

1) My secret obssesion is watching Americans Funniest Home Videos. I giggle and giggle. My kids think something is wrong with me everytime I watch that show. I never get tired of watching people fall or watching babies nearly face plant into some food group while trying to stay awake. It actually helps me relieve stress since you can count on me having a stress laugh over something so silly. Who invited this kid?

2) Some of you might know this but...I HATE SPIT!! I hate the spit that is left on the top of a coke can...someone that thinks its so important to leave his "loogy" on the side walk just makes me want to barf. I hate spit...enough said.

3) I started ballet at the age of 3. I was on toe at the age of 12 yet finished my career at 15 when I became to big for my tights and too busty for my leotard. Yes, I was ballariena. I always thought I would be thin and graceful and be touring with the Nutcracker. Yet as I grew older I got bigger. And so, I can only dream sugar plum fairies dancing in my head, I will never be one of them. Dance, baby Dance! Hence, I remain "Olga the swedish sumo wrestler"

4)AAAALLLLLLOOOOOOHHHHHAAAAA! When I was young, my family traveled many times to Hawaii because of my dads business. We were so lucky to have the oppertunity to do so. As a small child, I always thought I would grow up and be Hawaiian. I would have the dark skin, Long dark hair, dance the hula and work at the PCCthe rest of my you can see, I am and will always be a very white Howlee. The only thing I would ever do at the PCC is probably pick up trash. But, I still love to dance the hula..Mahalo!

5) My first real job outside of working for my dad was Jiggs. A family owned burger joint. I was the shake girl. And I tell you, I made the best dang shakes the 2 months I was employed there. Yes, I was fired after two months. (I didn't show up for a company meeting..I was out of town with my family...probably doing the hula somewhere.) Jiggs is where I learned to make the best fry sauce in town. The secret is in the sauce.

Now that I have given my things I would like to tag someone and have them blog their 5 things. I would love to tag Ken & Beth Bratt(maybe he would update his blog) and Sue (apple)

Monday, January 15, 2007


Hello Everyone. Its been a while since I posted. Just wanted to give an update on all of us. Blake and I (as you can see) are happy. Blake started school back up again. He has about 18 classes to go then he has to take the test and he'll be a Realtor. I am still trying to figure out how to keep my house clean, children fed and tidy and still work...thank heaves for Celexa.

Emily is getting so big. She has got a wonderful personality. Easy going and happy to see you. She still has a little redhead Sassy in her though. She is trying to cut her top teeth but as you can see in her pictures she has her bottoms and boy does she know how to use them. She is a little more "Danty" then my other two. She is thinner yet taller. She is just content to see and watch her sister goof around.
Here are all the girls, this is a normal picture of Lilly attacking (with love) her baby sis. Lilly just loves Emily. Gracie is doing really good. She loves preschool. We are going to start her writing her name. She loves to color and draw and play with her cousins.
I love this picture of Lillybug. At the first of the year, we switched times for church. Our Ward goes from 1-4. Right in the middle of her nap time. This is her first sunday with the new schedule. She at least made it home before falling asleep at the counter in the kitchen. Poor girl. She is doing really well after her surgery. She went in for her check up and the doc says all looks really good. She has a little cold but that isn't too bad. We are just glad its over and she can breath once again. She's a little trooper.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Update on Lillybugs Surgery and Happy New Year!!

We got to the hospital around 9:45. They took her right back and got her preped. This is Lillybug preop. They gave her little Jammies to wear and let her play with any toy she wanted. She was is great spirits. We met with the doctor for a few mins, then they put her in a little wagon and we kissed her good bye and told her we loved her. She was so happy and trusting going with the doctor in her wagon. (cute idea)
The surgery took about 30 mins. She was pretty out of it when I went back to post op to see her. It's hard seeing your little baby with tubs and oxygen hooked up to her. He oxygen levels were pretty low so they had her stay over night. Our room was about 12 by 12 with a little bed, rocker and a sink. So small. Only one parent could stay over and I could not NOT be with her. It was hard on Blake to leave us both at the hospital. He's been so good through all this such a good care giver. It was a really long night for Both her and I. She slept and coughed all night and I held her and pounded on her back to loosen up the gunk that was in her chest. she was in a lot of pain. I told gracie they put a little red light on her toe (oxygen check) so Grace wanted me to take a picture of her toe. didn't come out really great.

Here she is with her Oxygen. Her levels got down to a 71 that night with her oxygen on. They wanted her to be at a steady 90 without oxygen. Around 2:30 am she finally started to come up on her levels. By 7 am she was up to 90 without oxygen. She sounds so much better.
Here she is on the ride home. They have her pretty druged up. Poor little bug. She slept most of the first day back from the hospital. I think she really needed to be home with her family. She asked about Gracie and Emily. She was happy to see them when she got home and they were happy to see her.
I asked her where she hurts and she just opens her mouth. It has been a hard couple of days. She doesn't like to eat or drink. The only things she seems to like right now are yogurt and peanut butter. She might drink Sprite with a straw but it takes a lot to talk her into drinking. What a trooper.This is the look she gives us. She doesn't look in pain but she isn't smiling. This is Sunday morning.
I LOVE this picture. This is Gracie and Bayley on New Years Eve. Can you tell they Love each other. So cute. Happy New Years to all. Thanks to those of you who have voiced concerns about Lillybug. She is still in pain but sleeps and sounds so much better. We are so blessed to have the preisthood in our home in order to bless our children and family. Thank you Blake for being Worthy.