Friday, February 29, 2008

Lillybug's appointment

Lilly went in to see the Endocrinologist yesterday to see what she thinks of Lilly's weight gain. It was a much better Dr. Apt than the Nutritionist. We spent most of the morning at the Diabetic Center up at Primary Children's hospital. Lilly was a little nervous.This is her first time with the blood pressure cuff.
She is not happy at all. The nurse was really great and kept saying it was just giving her arm a little hug. She didn't care what it was doing she wasn't happy.After her weight, height and blood pressure was taken, we were put in a cute room that was full of space pictures and stars on the floor. Lilly thought that was pretty cool.
Both Lilly and I loved this doctor. She really took time with Lilly and I by asking us a bunch of questions about her habits, her likes, her dislikes, her attitudes her family history and what not. She did have a theory on Lilly....she said that some times when two Red headed parents produce a red headed baby, a mutation of genes can happen that can cause weight gain in the child. She said that often times these "mutant" children are very active. Not so much hyper active just kids that like to move a lot. After spending 15 mins with Lilly she could tell that Lilly loves to move. She said that there is a genetic test that can be done but its 2000 bucks and insurance doesn't pay for it. She wants to run tests on Lilly to rule out thyroid, diabetes, Cortisol and her pituitary gland (done with an MRI) before we move forward with the Genetic stuff. Before heading to the lab for tests, Lilly got a chance to use the children's small potty. She thought it was cool they had a potty just her size. it was quite cute.Here she is waiting for her blood draw. She is about as happy as she can get. They took 3 viles of blood from her (those vampires) she was NOT at all happy afterwards.
Oh poor Lilly.
Here is her oweee! And the unicorn they gave her for being brave.After spending the morning at the hospital we decided to go visit Grandma at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Lilly saw the big statue of Joseph Smith and thought that was sooo cool because he was so big and he loved to read. She was really into the book in his hand. funny.

We had a really nice day together her and I. I am glad that we are heading down the right path to try to help her be normal. I think all the prayers that were prayed for her have been heard. Thanks to everyone for their kindness to our family through all this.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stealing a cool Idea....

My dear friend Ethan had this fun little exercise in imagination on his blog where you make the CD cover for a made up band. So I am stealing well borrowing the excercise from him...

The instructions/rules are as follows:
  1. First, go to The first article on the page will be your band name.
  2. Then go to The last four words of the last quote on the page will be the name of your album.
  3. Finally, go to, where the third picture will be your album cover.

My new band album....

THIS LINK is a fun little page too that you can use to build your own little Band name...

Let me know what you come up with.

Hoping for spring...

In Utah, it is not uncommon to see...Socks with sandals, Muffin tops (tight jeans with the tummy hanging over the waistband) West Valley bang and someone in shorts and a parka in the middle of winter. Nor is it weird to see little kids pushing away the snow so they can play at the park. That is just what my kids did. They are dieing for spring to come. The snow this year has been constant. And my girls are getting a little stir crazy. So after Daycare last night, we stop off at a little side park and let them play.
Gracie on the swing. The snow is melting (thank heavens)
The wiggle bridge of DEATH!!! Or so Lilly and Kunka think. Sort of freaking out about it.Lilly in the middle of the Bridge, Emily trying to be brave.
She did it!! She made it across alive.Its pretty cold out.
Emilys attempt to cross the Wiggle Bridge.She's pretty brave.. (as long as her sisters don't run across it)Gracie's challenge was the monkey bars. She went about half way and dropped. The most she has ever gone. She was pretty happy about it. This picture was taken right before I told her it was time to go.This picture was taken after I said it was time to go. Oh poor Lilly. Emily was totally ready to go. Her hands were the color of her coat.

When we got home we turned on the fire, made hot coco and the girls watched Sponge Bob under their blankets while mommy made tacos for dinner. I love my life!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Sunday afternoon naps are Mine and Gracies alone time. And I love it for a few reasons. One is that I get some one on one time with Gracie. It's just her and I and usually folding clothes, Americas next top model reruns and dress-ups. Its great. The other reason I love it is because I get to see things like this....
Baby, Monkey and "bobba" topless in a crib...

That is so sweet.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Well It finally happened...

I have been doing Hair for over 18 years now. I have talked with my girls about mommy's salon, mommy's scissors, mommy's hair stuff.
I thought they understood...Until I got home yesterday and found this...
Gracie had cut, CUT!! her bangs off.
Right to the scalp right in the middle of her head.
There is no hiding this.
She gave herself a reverse mohawk, her own cowlick.
And she is happy about it!!! I, on the other hand, was not happy!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Random Pictures of the week...

Utah has been hit this winter with a ton of snow. I mean a ton! It seems, at times, never ending. Wed and Thursday of this week were no exceptions. Here are some of the photos we good AFTER we dug ourselves out.Snow Drifts to the front door.2 feet of shoveling.
Another Drift to the car AFTER we dug out.Our Neighbor snowed in.
My kids are tired of the snow as well. Here is Lilly on Saturday wanting to swing.
Here she is digging a little trench for her feet when she swings so they don't get too wet.First attempt at swinging. The snow was so deep the swing skimmed across the top.
Gracie could careless about the swing. She was having more fun with Clyde on the tramp.
Until Clyde jumped on her and dumped her into the snow.
Poor thing.
And where was Kunka you ask?
Happy eating peanut butter out of the jar.
The other day, we had Kathy over.
She brought the girls some new sweatshirt hoodies, which they loved!!
We lightened her hair and it looks much better.
Here is Gracie modeling her new sweatshirt, ponies and purse.
It's very important for Gracie to get her fashion approval from Kathy.
Here they are together. We love Kathy.This is me at work. Thrilled huh?
Kunka playing on the girls computer game. She thinks she is all grown up.
Me, again, with my crazy red hair.
Last night when I went out to the post box, there was a package from Jillie. The girls were totally excited to open it and find that she had sent them candy hearts and t-shirts from her trip to NY.

Gracie and Lilly after tubs in their new t-shirts.
Gracie wanted to get a picture off to Jill as soon as possible.
(Clyde likes the shirts too)
Thanks Aunt Jillie for sending such a great gift.
They loved them.
Emily was a sleep so we'll send you a picture of her later.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Cherish the Simple things

*** Cherish= verb: to hold or treat as dear; feel love for; to care for tenderly; nurture; to cling fondly or inveterately to.***
On the wall of my bathroom there is a sign..."Cherish the simple things." Sometimes I seem to forget the simple things in life and get wrapped up in the chaos.
As some of you know my daughter Lilly has gained an enormous amount of weight in the last year. Scary for a child so young to be so heavy.

I have been very emotional about Lilly the last few weeks. We have watched her food intake, monitored everything that has gone into her mouth and she is still gaining weight. For those that know her well, she is not an idle child. She doesn't sit and watch TV eating bon-bons no, she is mover and a shaker. She loves to dance and run and play. There should be no reason for her to have gained over 40 pounds in the last year. There is something wrong!!!

After going to the nutritionist (what a joy that was) and being told that 95% of obese children are over weight because of their obese parents, I really have done a lot of soul searching. I was, to say the least, offended. Would Dr. Skinny Pants look at Lilly differently if I had been a size 2 petite with a belt? Who's to say. And can someone who has never had children really tell me how to handle a 3 year old with a my opinion, Hell no! I was so emotional about being accused of making my child fat it hurt every part of me. I knew in my heart that it's more than just food. If I have been on Weight Watchers and losing weight why isn't my child losing as well? So many questions unanswered and therefore..CHAOS!

The other night as I was on my knees pleading for help with my Heavenly Father, I felt a voice say to me, cherish the simple things. And I realized I was missing out on the sweet spirit of Lilly and focusing so much on her weight. And then it hit me...If I am worried about Lilly and her life isn't my father in heaven worried as well? Of course he is! She is his child. And then I got it. That parents work together with Heavenly Father. We all want what is best for our children. And at that moment I felt at Peace. The Lord is in control. He will heal her if I have faith. In the quiet of my house I found a little peace. Do we still watch what Lilly eats? YOU BET. But I can only control what I can control. He will heal her. I know we will find out what is wrong with her. Until then, I pray for strength and I hold and hug Lilly even when she is crying for food. Because I love her. I love her because she is.