Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Here is the Old Man. He is officially 36. This is him waiting with the girls to go to Birthday dinner. Posted by Hello
Gracie LOVES the Lobster tank at red Lobster Posted by Hello
Family dinner at Red Lobster for Blakes 36th birthday. It was really nice. Posted by Hello
Blake Blowing out his candles. Posted by Hello
Our day at Hogle Zoo. It was such a pretty day. We left just before the rain came. The girls saw everything they wanted to see an more. I love the zoo. Posted by Hello
Here are the girls...they are pretty happy to be going to the Zoo. Thier little shirts say, "Best Friends" They even have thier hair the same way. They have been pretty good this trip. Posted by Hello
Waiting for Blake and Jill to buy tickets.  Posted by Hello
here are the girls trying to move the world. Its a big ball with water dripping off it. its such a fun thing for them. They had a "ball" Posted by Hello
Gracie drinking out of a lions mouth. I told Gracie that when I was a little girl, I drank out of the same Lion. It was the first think I wanted to do when I came to the zoo.  Posted by Hello
Gracie seeing what its like to be a fly Posted by Hello
Here is Sophia, Gracie, Lilly and Jill riding a bug...thrilling Posted by Hello
Lilly sitting on a bug with Jill Posted by Hello
Gracie as an ape. She is more of a monkey than an ape. Check out the belly button Posted by Hello
Pooped after a long day at the zoo. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 27, 2005

Here are the girls waiting for the trax train to take us to the Arts festival. My batteries died in my camera so I didn't get any pictures of them learning about art. They were pretty cute though. Posted by Hello
Today we went to the Stingers Game. The girls had a lot of fun. They were pretty tired on our way home. Posted by Hello
Here is Jill and Sophia enjoying their baseball game. Posted by Hello
Gracie and Sophia at the Stingers game. They had a great time. We only lasted until the 5th inning Posted by Hello
Happy baby! Posted by Hello
Lilly bug waving and haming it up for the camera Posted by Hello
Gracie was getting pretty sick of taking pictures today. Posted by Hello
Here are the girls at the game. It was hard to get a good pic as you can tell by the picture above. Posted by Hello

Friday, June 24, 2005

Here are the girls at the park. The dark red head is Sophia. She belongs to my best friend Jill. They are in town for a few weeks and are having fun with Gracie and Lilly. Gracie is a Hambone. And Lilly loves the grass. This is a red head sandwich. Where did this blonde come from? Posted by Hello
All the girls are acting a little silly for the camera. You can see my best friend Jill in the back ground. She is 7 months pregnant. Posted by Hello
Lilly is all smiles at the park Posted by Hello