Thursday, April 26, 2007

3 videos: One of a Drama Queen, A comic and Magic

These videos are very self explanatory. Sorry about the bad video. Maybe for my birthday I'll get a new camcorder. (*hint*). Let me know your thoughts.

Happy Lilly Sad Lilly:

I know an old lady who swallowed a fly. (daddy ruined the ending dang it)

Real magic of a 4 year old:

Monday, April 23, 2007

This SOOOO reminds me of my 4 year old

**sorry for the swear**

Crazy Crawler

I must say first off that I am sorry, once again, for all the photos. But, hey, I love to take pictures especially of my kids. This weekend, Kunka..oh I have been requested to tell the reason for the nickname Kunka. It's nothing really. Lilly started calling Emily Emami since it was hard for her to say Emily with huge tonsils and adenoids. Then that became MiMi. Then all of the sudden we started calling her Punk which turned into Punka then Punkis (Lillybug now calls Clyde, Clydis) which turned into Kunkis and has end up Kunka. She comes to both Kunka and Mimi.
So we have Princess Gracie (aka: the Princess), Lillybug and Kunka.
Emily was on one this weekend. She is a stealth crawler. I was in our front room putting toys away with the Kunka. She was right there with me playing by the couch...when all of the sudden I turned around, she was gone. I looked everywhere for her. And couldn't find her anywhere.
I could hear here but couldn't see her.
Then Clyde barked (he's our tattler) and I found her.In Clyde's Bed

She thought she was pretty cool sitting in there.Its probably the place she will go when Lillybug is driving her nuts.
Here is Lilly coloring. She loves to Color. What a sweetheart
Like I said, Kunka was everywhere this weekend. She really wanted to be out side but it rained a good part of the weekend. So most of Sunday, I found her looking out the front door window.
Here is Barney and her Longing for the outdoors.
"Hey Barney, did you want to go out? Just jump up and hit that handle thinger. We would be free!"
Happy Baby. She stands up on everything. And Loves to test herself. She'll let go of things then get freaked out and fall.
Happy Baby!
Here she is on Saturday Night...She wants to go out and Clyde wants in.
Playing with Cousins this weekend makes girls dirty.
Kunka doesn't like taking baths with Bugga as much as Bugga likes taking baths with Kunka
All clean. I think Emily will be another Redhead. Not as Light as Lilly. Maybe more my hair color a dark red. Em's Lashes are dark brown, but her eyebrows are Red and her hair is red (what hair she has)
Here are my two red heads. You can't beat clean babies.
Gracie was not in the picture taking mood this weekend...I know a shocker for everyone. She was acting 14.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spring Swing

This is our latest contraption until we buy a new swing set.

We left our last one at our old house so we can get a newer one in the newer house.
Gracie thought of it actually. So I'll give her all the credit.
We have just hooked the baby swing to the bars of the trampoline
And away she goes

Of course this gives Clyde permission to give Kisses anytime the Swing stops
We should try to train him to push her when it stops too.
Here are the girls with Kunka.

Lilly loves to help swing. I have found that she likes to see Kunka go "Fast"
(well Lilly calls it fast..I call it whiplash)
As a result, Mommy is in charge of pushing.
Here is the first "real" test swing.
Lilly is right there to push her and make sure she is having a good time.
That is pure joy!!
It was so fun to watch Kunka. She loves being out side and with her sisters.
She is such a happy baby. Always ready to smile.
We are so excited to have spring. Even though right now its snowing
(welcome to Utah Weather)

Majority Of Parents Abuse Children, Children Report taken from

LOS ANGELES—A chilling national poll of U.S. children ages 3 through 12 estimated that nearly 75 million youngsters suffer both physical and psychological abuse at the hands of their parents on a daily basis.

Enlarge Image Majority Of Children

An abused child awaits her single allotted hour of television per day.

The poll, whose findings are part of a 700-page report released Tuesday by a coalition of child abuse monitoring and prevention organizations, indicts nearly 95 percent of American parents. It documents abuses ranging from less severe offenses, such as children being denied snacks just before dinner, to more egregious, long-term cases of neglect, such as never ever getting what they want, ever.

"My parents always tell me that I have to finish all my math homework or I won't be allowed to watch TV," said study participant and abuse victim "Derek," 10, who told researchers that some of his earliest memories were of this kind of mistreatment. "They're so mean. I hate them."

"I hate them, I hate them, I hate them," he added.

Encouraged to speak freely and confidentially about their home lives, subjects shocked even seasoned child welfare advocates with tales of systematic deprival and gratuitous cruelty. One Illinois boy told of being forced to linger with his mother in fabric stores and later leaving a Toys "R" Us empty-handed, even though the store sold a water gun he really wanted. An Arkansas 9-year-old said he spent all of third grade carrying a boring brown backpack instead of a super-cool Spider-Man one like a friend, whose parents love him, had. And a 6-year-old girl from Wisconsin was forced to sit at a dining room table for nearly two hours until she finished her canned green beans, a food widely considered by poll respondents to be disgusting and suitable only for adults.

"To hear the sadness in these kids' voices when they talk about how they are scared—literally scared—to bring home poor report cards, is heartbreaking," said Dr. Deirdre Fulton, child psychologist and director of the Nationwide Coalition to End Child Abuse, who co-authored the study. "Some of the children we interviewed even wished they were dead so their parents would feel guilty at their funerals."

"No child should ever wish to die," Fulton added.

According to pollsters, most victims were surprisingly open, even eager, to discuss their abuse, although some were less forthcoming about traumatic experiences that involved inappropriate touching.

"It's so embarrassing, and everybody sees it," said 7-year-old "Harry," whose mother hugs and kisses him goodbye in front of the school bus every day. "When it's happening, I close my eyes and wish it would stop, but it just goes on forever."

Other victims recounted similar forms of privacy invasion, such as being asked if they were wearing clean underwear, and being stripped naked and made to bathe, even after clearly stating that they did not need a bath.

Hair is another focus of unseemly pathological fixations, many children allege: Six out of 10 girls interviewed said that their mothers routinely and painfully pull, twist, and tug their hair into "stupid" hairstyles like pigtails, and some boys said that their mothers go so far as to use saliva to paste their hair into place.

According to the report, a shocking 100 percent of children who claimed to have been abused said their parents repeatedly answered "maybe" to a request, and then withheld from them a definitive answer for hours or, in some cases, days.

In addition to those who admitted to being touched inappropriately, 93 percent of children said they have, at one point or another, been subject to various types of physical abuse.

"My parents make me practice the piano for like 20 hours a day," said 8-year-old "Lacy," adding that sometimes she will hide in her closet to avoid rehearsal. "They told me if I hate it so much I can quit when I'm in seventh grade. That's like 40 years from now."

Some children, mostly boys, have even been pressed into brutal physical labor by their fathers, who demand their sons help them in the yard on Saturdays—one of only two days off for children who spend an average of 600 hours a week at school.

"He treats me like a slave," 12-year-old "Michael" said. "It's like it's my fault that my dad decided to buy a house with a lawn. And then when I do help, he says I shouldn't have had a bad attitude about it."

"Mom just sits there and lets the entire thing happen," "Michael" added.

In some of the more disturbing cases of abuse, parents reportedly take a domineering interest in their children's social lives, often threatening severe but undefined punishment for not being home by dark. Some children said their parents attempt to cut them off completely from the outside world, making many websites and television channels inaccessible and never letting them hang out with their friends.

The National Parents Association declined to comment on the overwhelming levels of abuse. When asked why they wouldn't comment, the NPA released a tersely worded statement: "Because we said so."

My 4 year old daughter believes this to be true.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Pictures

I am a terrible mom, I didn't get pictures of the girls all together in their dresses. I hope to do that this week. But here are some pictures of the Easter Egg Hunt, the loot and Emily smiling..(look past the dinner on her face and snot in her nose..I was in the moment and she was acting silly)
The Easter Bunny hid the "Real" Eggs inside the house (due to rain) in the morning before church and before everyone came over for dinner. He really knows wear to hid the eggs.
Can you find the two in the picture?
Lilly looking for an egg that the Smart Easter Bunny hid.
Sorry for the slight nudity
Emily didn't contribute to the finding of the eggs. Actually she really could careless. She was just happy to watch the sisters fight over finding the last one.

"I see my mommy and I am happy"
This is the Face She makes when she sees me. She gets so excited.
She has her 5th and 6th teeth coming in on the top. She is a slow mover when it comes to teething (so was Lillybug)
Snot! Nice, do you need a tissue? your good, okay.
the Loot
All the Girls had the same color of dress. Pretty Lavender color. But all different fabrics. Gracie's was a shimmer, Lilly's was a silk and Em's was a Linen. All really cute.
Here is Lilly trying to find an egg by the fence. Her Dress didn't last long after the nap so we put her in a more springy user friendly dress (shown here).
Becca Helped with Lillybug, she found 17 eggs
Gracie had a blast finding eggs with her cousins. Jordan was her helper.
She found 18 eggs.
Uncle Jer and Aunt Ashlee Helped hid the eggs. I think they did a great job.

Thanks to Jer and Ash, Lance, Kristi, Jordan, Jake, Becca and Bayley and Mom and Dad for coming over and sharing our Easter day with us. WE missed those family that were out of town.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Conversation with a 4 year old

I spent Easter morning, teaching my daughters about the true meaning of Easter. So they would be ready with a response when someone might ask them why we celebrate Easter. This is what was said.

"Gracie, why do we celebrate Easter?"
"Well, it isn't about the Damn Bunnies."

Well she got that much right.
Hope everyone had a happy Easter. I'll post pictures later.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter

I was sitting at Lunch with a dear friend of mine and we were discussing religion. Even though our Churches are not the same it seemed as though our Faith in Jesus Christ was. It was such a great bonding time with me and my friend. I just love her. And both of us have come to Know Christ as our Savior, Our Friend.

I love this time of year. The flowers are blooming, birds are returning from their southern homes and my thoughts of our Saviors resurrection is strong in my heart. Not only did he die for us on the cross..he made it so everyone will live again. I love the primary song that asks the question, "Did Jesus really live again...? YES, when the 3rd day came." How blessed we are with that knowledge that He really did live again. And if we come unto him we will be blessed.

Come Unto Him
He came to us, He loved us that much
There isn't a soul, he's unwilling to touch
No life so dark he can not light
No sadness, no sorrow he can not right.
Come Unto Him
He came to earth, He lived as man
there's no earthly care he can't understand
No earthly pain he did not feel
No hunger, no heartache he can not heal
Come Unto Him
Come learn of Him
He's meek and humble and lowly of heart
Come Unto Him
He lived like us, acquainted with grief
To those who believe He offers relief
He opens eyes, He forgives sin
for the humble, the faithful who follow Him
Come Unto Him
Come learn of Him
He's meek and humble and lowly of heart
Come Unto Him

May everyone find the Saviors light this Easter Season.
He Lives!

to listen to this song go to:

Conversation with a 2 year old

"Lilly, its time to get in the tubby."
"Yes honey. Look at you, you are Filthy."
"No Mommy, I NO tubby."
"Lillian!! You need to take a bath. You are so Dirty."
"I like my dirt no I LOVE my dirt!! NO! Tubby! Mommy!
**Lilly puts her foot down**

She took a bath tears and all
Bye, Bye Dirt You will be missed.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Conversations with a 4 year old

"Where are you going mommy?"
"I am going to Weight Watchers"
"What do you do there."
"I learn about getting Skinny and Healthy."
**Opening the door to leave Gracie shouts**

A few of my sisters in law and I have decited to loose a little weight. So we go every Saturday to Weight Watchers. All of us are doing pretty good. Lets just keep it off. so we are the "Get Skinny Mommy" Group. I have added a little ticker to clock my weight loss. I have lost about 20 pounds. Happy Day!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring has *SPRUNG*

**BOING**Yes spring is here in Utah, or at least on our Trampoline.
We put up the old tramp this weekend in between Conference.
These are pictures of Gracie and her cousin Bayley having a wonderful time.
Emily (nick named Kunka) is in her chair wondering what is going on out there.
Lilly was having more fun playing in the Play house then jumping with the older girls.
It must be because she can do her own thing without her older sister telling her what to play.

This is her "defending" her Play area of invasion from the Older girls
She fought a good fight
But the other girls just were too into getting their pictures taken.And in the end, it was invaded and was over taken by Gracie and Bayley
Lilly wasn't happy.
But the older girls were

Monday, April 02, 2007

Congrates to Jamie and Anne

My Brother Jamie has finally asked his Girlfriend Anne to marry him and she said YES!! Way to go. We are so excited for the Both of you.
(Both pictured above: Anne is the singer and Jamie is right be hind her playing bass)

P.S. Happy Birthday to my Nascar Loving Brother, Lance!
Happy Birthday!