Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lillians Surgery Update

I am just waiting to hear from the Nurse on the time for Lillian surgery for tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, Lilly is having a tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy tomorrow. She has enlarge tonsils and adenoids and on top of that asthma (she does albuteral treatments 3 times a day...see below) and sleep apnea. She has been such a little trooper through all this. She always has a smile on her face. And is excited to get her treatments because that is her time to sing songs with mommy. I am getting really good at "Itsy bitsy spider", "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree" and her favorite "There was a little house in the middle of the woods." What a special little thing. Maybe she'll be able to get a full nights sleep without waking up crying because she can't breath and starts gagging, throwing up because she is gasping for breath. She goes in on Wednesday to Primary childrens Hospital and will be staying over night to watch her already low oxygen levels.Thanks to all of those that have said prayers and concerns for her. We know she is well loved. Blake will give her a blessing tonight and I know she will heal fast. Her Heavenly Father is with her. We love you sweet Lillybug. You are our joy. You are our comic relief. You brighten everyones life with your smile and your "hi's" and "Hello's" May God continue to Bless you. We love you sweet Lilly bug!!!

**Honey-are you crying??**


Merry Christmas!!!
You'll have to bear with me..I have a lot of Photos to get through. I hope everyone had a very Merry christmas. Enjoy the photos...
Here is our family Photo...the girls didn't want to smile but that is okay (sorry taken at my desk) We'll send some out this week to friends and family.
Here is Sweet Emily. She is teething her second bottom tooth. Her favorite Spot is on Daddy's tummy. What a cutie.
Here is Lilly in her Christmas Outfit.Lillybug and her Aunt Tammy. I love this picture.Gracie and her favorite Cousin BayleyOlsen family are we big or what??Lillybug checking out the cousinsGrandpa with his Chirstmas Gift from Steve. Do you think he is happy??christmas pie caos.Christmas Moring. The Loot.Blakes face when he sees the laptop I told him he wasn't getting. He loved it.Lilly first waking up to Christmas morning. It took us an hour to get her to wake up. She was pretty tired.This is how Emily opens gifts. She spits them open. I think she would have rather played with all the paper than the actual gifts.
Grandpa and Grandma came over to see the kids and grandpa made Lilly her own christmas hat out of butterfly catchers.

Christmas Hat!! Look at my dad in the back ground. He is cracking up. Lilly was pretty proud of it.
Last of all, tubbies. My sweet "little" Emily can now take tubbies in the sink. She loves it.
We had a great Christmas. I hope everyone else did as well.
Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Picture attempts

I swear, we tried and tried to get all the girls to smile and look at the camera..theses are the best shots we got.