Friday, June 29, 2007

Photo Frenzy...Sorry

Hello Everyone,

I must say sorry for all the pictures. But for those that know me you know I love Love LOVE taking pictures. So enjoy my photo diary today.

Kunka, for her birthday, got a new folding Dora Chair from Gracie. We thought it was really cute and she sat on it right a way...then the climbing started...Tada!!
She was pretty proud of herself standing on her chair that stinker.
She wasn't so proud when it toppled over and she bumped her head. A few weeks ago we went to visit my Mother in Law in St. George. I don't know what was wrong with me but I didn't take very many pictures while we were down there. Maybe it was the 107 degree weather. I don't know. There was a lot to shoot but I just didn't get any shots in. We went fishing one day (no photos taken) and went to the pool a few other days (no shots taken) But I did take a few pictures when we went to the park. Here is Lilly and Gracie sliding down the slide together. It was pretty hot that day.
Emily LOVES to swing. So she spent most of her Play time doing just that.
Okay, so I only had 2 pictures from Grandmas trip.The other night we decided to put out a blanket in the back yard and take pictures and enjoy the evening.
The girls were in rare form.
I have a lot of Lilly.. she is so sweet and such a happy child.
Gracie and Lilly were showing me their many faces.
Happy, Sad, scared, angry ect.
Here is Happy...


Surprised....silly lilly.
This is one of my favorite. I don't know if its because they are truly happy to be with each other or what.
But I love this picture. It shows who they really are.And where is Kunka you ask...??? She is hanging out in her swing...just watching.After a while, Blake came out to see what was going on and he got attacked with girls and cameras.He loves his girls.
"Pat his cheek and give him what? A great big kiss." (the daddy song from the primary song book)

Lilly loves her dad. I love this shot of her. What a cute little face. She has Blake's eyes.
And Last but not least...Mommy time in front of the camera. I was looking at this picture and then a picture I took around Christmas...I do look a little thinner. I lost one of my chins.Christmas...

Here is a Gracies flower she planted.Thanks everyone for making it through my long photo novel. I didn't really take pictures for Blakes birthday. We will do that this weekend at the family BBQ. I'll try to post them and the 4th all together. Love everyone.
Please post a comment!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

"Git along littl' doggy"

The Girls were invited out to my dear friends house to check out her horses and ride. They were so very excited. Graice asked if Nancy had Pink horses. She was sad to know that she didn't have Pink horses nor did the horses poop pink poop. She really hoped they had. They did get cowboy hats for the trip and were very excited to ride. Not only were they meeting Nancy, Steve and the horses for the first time, they were also meeting Kyler Cunningham. My friend Debi's Grandson. Here they are before meeting the horses. Hats and all.

Here is "Miss Nancy" taking the group out to the Barn. I love this picture.

Kunka didn't ride. She just hung out in her stroller and watched and got licks and kisses from the horses.
Here is Miss Nancy explaining to the kids not to get near the rear of the horse. Nancy was great with the kids and the kids were so thrilled and hung on her every word. (the horse is named Shorty)
Here they are petting and feeding Shorty the horse. So soft.
This one is of Gracie holding the rope while Lilly Sat on the back of the horse (Lilly not shown) Gracie's face is so sweet.
Kyler and Grace were really into finding Fred the barn Cat. She hid really well (Yes fred is a girl) They also had fun playing in the hay, jumping for bail to bail.

Gracie's Turn on the horse from the front.
And from the back
Lilly, my cowgirl, waiting for Gracie to come back. Lilly was a little scared of riding. I kept asking her if she was ready to get on and she said, "NO! Not yet mommy!"I finally just threw her up there and she was pretty nervous. Miss Nancy tried to comfort her but she wasn't going to smile one bit. Nanc was really good with her.
She would move Mouse (the horses name was mouse) forward one step and Lilly would hold on tight. Then another step until she was riding like a pro.

She finally smiled after a few turns around the barn.

After we were done and she got off she kept saying, "Mommy, that is MY horsey" Yeah Lilly, that is your horsey.
Thanks Nancy and Steve for letting us all come out and play on your little farm. The kids had a blast.

**side note:
Gracie and Kyler have a little puppy love romance. They were caught smooching in the back seat of the Van on the way home. She cried for 10 mins after Kyler left to go home. "I love him mom." Oh what will it be like when she is a teenager???**

Kunka Luau Pictures..sorry they are late.

Emily had a Hawaiian themed party. So we got a Lilo and Stitch cake.

We decorated the house with leis and skirts it was fun. And we had to invite Jer (my baby brother) its just not a party without Jer.

Her smash cake...
Smashing the cake

Its all about the cake I think...Nice Hair!
I think she is done and wants a tubby...which he had and the water was blue.
Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Kunka.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lagoon Day!

L O G O O N !

My company springs for a day at Lagoon for our Summer Party. This is the first year for us to go to the party AND to go to Lagoon as a family. I think the last time I went to Lagoon was about 7 years ago. My how things have changed yet still stay the same. I remember as a kid getting so excited for Lagoon. My cousin, Meeka, and I would make a list of all the rides we would ride first. Tilt-a-whirl was always always always on the top of that list. And right next to the word would be the number 7 meaning we would ride that ride AT LEAST 7 times. We always made that goal didn't we Meek? The thrill of Lagoon is still with me. The night before my work party, I was telling Gracie and Lilly about all the rides they would go on. How things would spin them around and around and make their tummy's wiggle. I was telling them about the train and the log ride, the Merry-Go-round and the bumper cars. Gracie could hardly sleep she had so much excitement. I am sure to her it was like we were going to some far off me I was going back to my childhood.

Here is Gracie on the Merry-Go-round. The Merry-Go-round will always be a classic ride.
-side note: you can't stand up next to your kids on the ride anymore..everyone must have a seat.

The bumper cars were a lot of fun. I remember riding the bumper cars, looping the seat belt over my head and under one arm and then when someone bumped you the seat belt would dig into your neck..oh good times. Now instead of around your head its around the waist happy day. It is so different to be a parent at Lagoon then to be a kid. You sort of find your own joy in the ride. The joy for me comes from watching Gracie "dodge" the other drivers and how mad she would get when some one would ram her. And its the same as when I was little, there is always some kid stuck in the corner and can't get out or some kid that keeps spinning in circles and can't go straight. They may have nicer cars with better seat belts but the concept is still the same.

Lilly was a classic kid on the rides. Above is her on her first ride, the Helicopters. She was wondering what I was putting her on but when it started to go she kept that tongue in cheek look. She was not going to smile nor was she going to let you know she was having any fun.

A Sunday drive...I think they both liked this because they both had steering wheels. (sorry for the blur)

Here is Lilly and Gracie on Puff the Magic Dragon rollercoaster.
Here is an up close of Lilly's first turn on this ride. Is she happy?

Another Shot of the ride...
Close up....Happy?

I tell ya, I couldn't get her to smile worth a darn. But I know they both had fun. We'll have to go again. I asked Gracie what the funnest ride was for her and she said, "Draculas Castle" I said, "but you where hiding the whole time." and she said, "So, it was still my favorite ride." what ever.