Thursday, October 25, 2007

On my way home yesterday, I had a flash back to my 10th grade year in high school. I was 15 and I am sure I was desperatly in love with someone (I always seemed to be). As I listened to this song it brought me back to that awakward age. Easy to fall in love and just as easliy rejected. I love HoJo and I love the 80's!

**Lyrics for those of you without sound**
You can look at the menu but you just cant eatYou can feel the cushions but you cant have a seatYou can dip your foot in the pool but you cant have a swimYou can feel the punishment but you cant commit the sinAnd you want her and she wants youWe want everyoneAnd you want her and she wants youNo one, no one, no one ever is to blameYou can build a mansion but you just cant live in itYoure the fastest runner but youre not allowed to winSome break the rulesAnd live to count the costThe insecurity is the thing that wont get lostAnd you want her and she wants youWe want everyoneAnd you want her and she wants youNo one, no one, no one ever is to blameYou can see the summit but you cant reach itIts the last piece of the puzzle but you just cant make it fitDoctor says youre cured but you still feel the painAspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drainAnd you want her and she wants youWe want everyoneAnd you want her and she wants youNo one, no one, no one ever is to blameNo one ever is to blameNo one ever is to blame

Monday, October 22, 2007

Get Skinny

It pays to be sick. This last week I have been down with Strep which means to me that its hard to eat. As a result, in my weigh in on Saturday i had dropped 9.2 pounds. WOW. I shouldn't eat more often. With that weight loss it dropped me down under the 300 mark and makes it so that I have only 97.6 to loose. Happy day. We'll see if I can keep off that nine pound loss this week. I am still not 100% myself. But, I am determined to keep off that weight this week.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mumpkin Patch

Last Friday, Blake called and asked if I wanted to bring the girls down to the farm and pick out some pumpkins. So of course we did.
So I loaded the girls in the car...
(oh side note...every Friday during college football season we have "Ute" day.
We all wear our Ute gear)...and headed for the Patch..and here it is. A patch...there were more pumpkins in the big square cardboard in the back ground.Here are the pumpkins (or Mumpkins Lilly kept calling them)Kunka decided to show up in the picture.
While waiting for daddy I took some pictures of the girls in their "gear"Gracie took this picture of us..sorry its a little blurry.
And this is one of my favorites of Emily.
She is so happy...yet devilish.
I hope this weekend to get some more (better) pictures
of the kids in the fall leaves and also carving pumpkins.
That will be Fun.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Conversation with God by a 5 year old

"Heavenly Father, Please bless Lilly that she will be a good girl and go potty in the potty and not in her pull-ups. Its Kindof gross. Bless Kunka that she will be a good girl and not scream all the time and make mommy crazy. And PLEASE Please please bless that Poppa will have good cookies and candy when we go and visit him."

Out of the mouth of babes eh.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Conversation with a 5 year old via Grandma

"Gracie, do you have ants in your pants?" asks Grandma Olsen
"What does that mean?" replied Gracie
"It means that you act like you can't stop moving. It's like you have ants in your pants." Grandma Says.
"OHHHH, no I don't have Ants in my pants...I have Dancing Princesses in my pants."

*duh grandma! A princess wouldn't have bugs in her pants hello!*

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Conversation with a 5 Year old

** Gracie has to read a book for 15 mins a day. Well its more like, I get to read to her. So I asked her what she wanted to read last night...She went to her book shelf and pulled out the Book of Mormon. So I start to read,
"I Nephi, Having been born of Goodly parents."
she stops me and says."what does that mean?"
I said, "well it means that he was born to a good mom and dad..."
"Hummm are you sure thats what it means?" she says.
So I reread, "I Nephi having been born of Freaking Rad Parents. "
she says, "that sounds better."

I do what I can do

a long time between blogs...sorry

Our house is slowly gearing up for Halloween. I never really loved the holiday until I had kids and now I just love it. So I was looking for some fun Halloween crafts the kids could do. And I found these cute little ghost milk jug thingers. I got it from one of my favorite mags. Family fun Click here to get instructions. I outlined the eyes and mouth and each girl colored them in. Then we found a pack of Christmas lights, cut a hole in the back and shoved in the lights. We filled the bottom of the jugs with rocks to keep them more stable. And there you go...
Our Spooky Friends. They really did turn out cute.

We are also at the start of making our Halloween Costumes. I had a really cute Idea to make Lilly into a chicken but the feathers "FREAKED" her out. so I asked what she wanted to be and she said a Pump-pi-kin. So, we headed to Wal-mart, picked up a 2 dollar orange t-shirt, a 2 dollar hunter orange hat some felt and a sharpie and we are good to go. Here is the start of the costume. she was pretty excited. We are going to stuff the shirt and she'll have black leggins on but you get the picture.
She was pretty happy.

and Proud.

Gracie wants to be the corps bride. I told her that might be a stretch for me. I don't know how to sew really well. So we'll see what we come up with.
And Kunka is going to be a cute bunny. I can do wonders with pink sleeper jammies, a fluffy tail and ears.

And Last, my dear BFF Jill, in Delaware, sent us a box full of clothes for my girls. They are much needed and we are forever greatful. It was like Christmas at our house last night. Gracie tried on all the dresses right off. She was spinning and dancing and just happy. Lilly was also excited and they just were so lovey to each other that I snapped a few pictures of them.
They are so sweet. Sorry no Kunka Pictures.
She was down for the night. Next time we'll get her.
I love my girls.