Sunday, August 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Gracie. She is officially 3 years old. She had a great day. She got to sleep in, eat what ever she wanted for breakfast, have a Spong Bob Themed party in the after noon and go out to dinner with her family that night. Gracie is a good girl and I am so proud to be her mommy. Happy B-day Peanut! Posted by Picasa
Jasmine was all into the birthday spirit. She wished Gracie a Happy birthday by letting Grace carry her all over the house. Gracie even shared her birthday breakfast with Jasmine the Cat. Waffles with extra syrup. Posted by Picasa
We ran our last minute arrends..getting the cake and some food..and you were so pooped you feel asleep in the car. It was a good idea that you did since you were going to play really hard that afternoon at your party. Posted by Picasa
We decited to have Gracie's party at a local park. (Willow pond park) All the kids played in the water and all the adults visited. It was a great day for a party. The weather was perfect with a nice breeze. Here are some of the kids eating their ice creams. Happy Birthday! Posted by Picasa
We had a great day at the park. Friends and family came and talked and had Ice cream and cake and opened gifts. Kira, Gracies cousin, turned 10 a week before Grace so we celebrated them both together. In this picture we have Gracie and Lilly's babysitter Ty (red dress) and the girls dearest closest people to godparents Kathy and Robert. Oh and Lilly too. Posted by Picasa
There are the girls walking in the water. Sometimes Gracie forgets that she is only 3. She loves Candice and Kira. Posted by Picasa
The Sun Bathers. Candice (9) Kira (10) and Gracie (3)  Posted by Picasa
This is everyone trying to keep cool in the wading pool. Posted by Picasa
Parker spinning Gracie around. They were pretty happy. Posted by Picasa
This is Kira and Gracie opening gifts. They both had pretty good gifts. Thanks to everyone. Posted by Picasa
Here is Gracie opening a card. She got some really nice gifts.  Posted by Picasa
Here is Gracie trying to break SpongeBob in half. they finally did it but it took a lot of wacks. Even the big kids got into it. (spongbob is pretty happy) Posted by Picasa
Gracie wanted to have "fish" for her birthday dinner. So we decited to take her to Joe's Crab Shack. She loved it. This is the sea guy that is in front. They are holding their balloons they got from the balloon lady while they were waiting for their food. Posted by Picasa
Lilly at Joes Crab Shack with her balloon hat. what a funny thing. She looked so cute and she was pretty serious wearing her hat. Posted by Picasa
Here is Gracie enjoying her balloon barbie. And her Fish and chips. Posted by Picasa
Here is Lilly in the tub. What a cutie Posted by Picasa
The day ended with Gracie and Lilly taking a nice needed tubby. The water was black. But it was a good day for a 3 year old. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Guess what Gracie got for her early Birthday Present? (Her Birthday isn't until Saturday.) Posted by Picasa
This is Jasmine. She is a 2 year old Domestic Short Hair. She is very patient and very loving. She even likes Barney the dog. She is white with some patches of tan and black. What a pretty Kitty. Posted by Picasa
Gracie couldn't be any happier with her Cat. She has been begging us for one for months now.  Posted by Picasa
Best Friends Posted by Picasa
Grace Loves to be next to the Cat. I don't know if the Cat is very excited to be next to Gracie. Posted by Picasa
Happy Pet owner Posted by Picasa
Gracie and her new friend Posted by Picasa
what a patient Kitty. Posted by Picasa