Thursday, April 20, 2006


This was our conversation this morning:
Gracie yells from the other room...

"What Honey?"
Gracie walks in with her pink panties in her hands
"Mom, these damn panties are not right."
"What did you say???"
"These Damn Panties, Mom, are not right."
"Gracie, please don't say that word its a naughty word."
"Yes honey"
"Is it okay if I say underwear then?"

I see that the things I say reflect on what my children say. So in the wise words of my mother, "Be Careful what you say, your children pick up everything." Aint that the truth.

***later that morning she also said, "Damn Chair and Damn Sandals" I think I am the one that needs my mouth washed out with soap."***

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Its snowed the other day (yes right after I posted that spring has sprung) Gracie, in panties and a t-shirt, comes to me and says,
"Mommy, can I go outside and Jump on the tramp?"
"Honey, you only have panties on, its too cold and its snowing."
with all seriousness (is that a word) in her sweet voice she replies,
"Mom, (duh) I will be wearing boots!!"

Oh to have the logic of a 3 year old

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Day!!

Happy Easter to All,
The girls had a great day today. The Easter Bunny brought them new dresses, hid Easter eggs filled with jelly beans and gave them bubbles to play with out side. We went to church and was up lifted by the spirt there. We came home, had some Ham and Potatoes and Lilly and Blake took naps while Gracie and I snuggled in bed and watched Ice Age. The weather was perfect and the rain that was promised didn't seem to show its face..Maybe later tonight. It was a good Easter. Here are some pictures of the girls in their new dresses. Lilly defiantly has some wild red hair. Gracie has spent today rehiding easter eggs. We are blessed!

Friday, April 14, 2006

April showers bring May flowers

I can't believe it!! Spring has finally sprung here in Utah! Sheesh, it seems like winter has lasted forever. Oh, we still have skiing going on in the mountains, but I don't care about that. I care that my Tulips that are starting to break from the freezing ground. I care that my girls can finally play outside in the sand pile and I don't have to worry about frost bite. It's beautiful here in Utah.

As for the girls, they are growing like flowers...Lilly had her check up the other week. She is tall and thin and perfect. The doctor was a little concerned about her broken tooth (due to a fall off of my bed) But we talked to Ashlee (new sis in law) who works for a dentist and she basically said that there is really nothing they can do but wait and if there is a problem when she is older we'll deal with that then.
Gracie is still so very sassy. She just got new bunk beds and loves it. I'll take pictures this weekend of them on their beds. Lilly tried to sleep in a big bed last night (vs. Her crib) but Gracie just wouldn't leave her alone. Lilly only has a few more months and she is kicked out of that crib. We are trying to transition her before hand.
Baby Phoebe is kicking my butt. She is a mover and a shaker that is for sure. I have heartburn pretty much 24/7 and leg cramps at night. (that is even with me eating bananas) The doctor said she seemed to be growing right on schedule. He did up my insulin at night to see if I can get better control of that. It helps a little.
Well that is all for now. Hope you are doing well.