Thursday, December 08, 2005

Baby Watkins First Photo

Here is our little Bundle as of December 2, 2005. The doctor says that the baby's heart beat is perfect and I am about 12 weeks along. That puts us at June 22 as a due date. I had diabetes with Lillybug and he things that I'll probably have it with this baby. If that is the case Dr. Russ will probably take the baby a few weeks early (since diabetic mommies have bigger baby) So He/She might come a little earlier than later. Gracie was a week Late and I think he took Lilly a week early. I will probably have a C-section as well. (which I had with Lilly). That is the update for now.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Baby Watch 2006

Yes, we are expecting our 3 baby. I went to the doctor on Friday. Everything looks good. He gave us a due date of June 22, 2006. He'll probably take it early since I will most likely be diabetic as I was with Lillybug. He said he usually takes diabetics about 2 weeks early because the babies are usually bigger. Lilly wasn't too big she was 7 lb 9oz. She was breech though and so he took her c-section. I'll probably have another C-section with baby #3. Which I am okay with. Blake and Gracie are excited for a new baby. They both swear its a boy. Lilly really could careless at this point. But she'll change her tune when the new baby gets here. We will find out what we are having probably the end of Feb. (Since I am only 12 weeks along)
At any rate, we are happy and healthy..

Monday, November 07, 2005

Happy Birthday to the BUG

Lilly had her little party this weekend and i'll try to down load pictures of that this week. But here is a picture her Uncle Jer took of her in her birthday hat, on her birthday in the store. She is a sweety. This is not the hat we bought...

Kiddie Kandids year photo

Here is Lilly bug at her year photo!
What a cutie.
I can't believe she is one.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween

The girls had such a blast last night. This was Lillybugs first Halloween. She was pretty pooped by the end of the night. Gracie was a Fairy Princess and Lillybug was a Lady bug. They looked so cute.

On the streets

Here are some more pictures of them in action. we saw a lot of cool looking pumpkins. Gracie loved Elmo most of all so we had to get a picture of him.

Halloween ending

The girls were so pooped out. They had a great time. here is all their loot. What good sports they were. Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 28, 2005


I can't believe how quickly kids grow up. One minute they are tiny babies at 2 am smiling up at you from milk dripped mouths, next they are crawling head into things (or head over heals down the stairs) then they need to to help them walk, and by the time they can walk on their own they are running. They start saying mommieee, dada, doggy and NO!! Teeth come in along with then they are One...and you look back at the year and wonder where it all went.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Waiting for snow

Gracie decided to get the girls dressed up for the snow...Not that we are having snow..But we are prepared just in case...(photo of mommy and Lilly courtesy of Gracie)

Bathing a bug is fun to do...

Lilly getting ready for the bath...



Monday, September 12, 2005


This weekend we went up to visit my dear husbands Father. He is buried in Midway Utah. Grandpa Lynn died in 1998, before Blake and I met. I tell Blake that Lynn had some hand in bringing us together. And I think he had an opportunity to spend a little time with our girls before they came to us. It's a comfort knowing that he is always with us. I wish I would have known Lynn. I know I would have loved him. But, I guess we all have to wait to see him again. I know that it breaks my tender husbands heart that he is not here to see how he turned out. To see the girls growing and learning. And be proud of the man and father my husband has turned out to be. I know Lynn would be proud of his son. Blake misses his dad and in away I do to. How thankful I am to have both my parents living and healthy. Sometimes I take all that for granted. I love you mom and dad.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Go Utes

We went and got the girls pictures taken at Kiddie Kandids the other week. They are so cute. Our favorite picture of them together is these in their cheerleader outfit. These girls really make their daddy proud. (Ken and Beth i'll be sending you out a big one of the girls next week) If anyone would love copies I have them.

pictures pictures

Here is Gracies 3 year old pic. She looks more like 5.
Lilly loves holding her feet. She can't get enough of them.


Here are some more pics of the girls from Kiddie Kandids

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Gracie. She is officially 3 years old. She had a great day. She got to sleep in, eat what ever she wanted for breakfast, have a Spong Bob Themed party in the after noon and go out to dinner with her family that night. Gracie is a good girl and I am so proud to be her mommy. Happy B-day Peanut! Posted by Picasa
Jasmine was all into the birthday spirit. She wished Gracie a Happy birthday by letting Grace carry her all over the house. Gracie even shared her birthday breakfast with Jasmine the Cat. Waffles with extra syrup. Posted by Picasa
We ran our last minute arrends..getting the cake and some food..and you were so pooped you feel asleep in the car. It was a good idea that you did since you were going to play really hard that afternoon at your party. Posted by Picasa
We decited to have Gracie's party at a local park. (Willow pond park) All the kids played in the water and all the adults visited. It was a great day for a party. The weather was perfect with a nice breeze. Here are some of the kids eating their ice creams. Happy Birthday! Posted by Picasa
We had a great day at the park. Friends and family came and talked and had Ice cream and cake and opened gifts. Kira, Gracies cousin, turned 10 a week before Grace so we celebrated them both together. In this picture we have Gracie and Lilly's babysitter Ty (red dress) and the girls dearest closest people to godparents Kathy and Robert. Oh and Lilly too. Posted by Picasa
There are the girls walking in the water. Sometimes Gracie forgets that she is only 3. She loves Candice and Kira. Posted by Picasa
The Sun Bathers. Candice (9) Kira (10) and Gracie (3)  Posted by Picasa
This is everyone trying to keep cool in the wading pool. Posted by Picasa
Parker spinning Gracie around. They were pretty happy. Posted by Picasa
This is Kira and Gracie opening gifts. They both had pretty good gifts. Thanks to everyone. Posted by Picasa
Here is Gracie opening a card. She got some really nice gifts.  Posted by Picasa