Friday, May 05, 2006

Stressed or Non Stressed...that is the question.

The other day I noticed that I couldn't feel the baby moving around like she usually does. I did a kick test (counting how many times she moves with in an hour) and noticed I hadn't really felt her which was so unusual since she has been kicking my from the moment of conseption. I called my Doctors office and they asked how long it had been since I felt her move? I said not since the night before. They told me to drink a lot of water and then something sweet like orange juice or a coke and if she doesn't move within an hour to come in. Well, she didn't really move but she did have the hic-ups so I took that as a good sign. So, when I went in for my doctors appointment yesterday I had lost a pound but the baby had gotten bigger. I told them of my concerns of her movement and they said, "Just to be safe lets send you down to the labor and delivery area and hook you up with an ultrasound and a Non-stress test." So away I went....The hooked me up and slapped some gooy jelly on my tummy and checked out the baby on ultra sound. She looked so cute. You could really see her facial features. She likes to suck on her hands it was really cute. She has a nice plump tummy. The fluids all look great, she has turned and is heading down (which I knew she had) and is just a big baby. Then they hooked me up to the monitor to watch her heartbeat and my contractions. This big baby loved to sleep. They had to keep zapping her awake. Her heartbeat stayed about 130 (normally she is about 150. Both numbers are in the normal range) Anyway, after all was said and done they want me to come in twice a week to do the same type of testing until I deliver. They just want to make sure that the Fluid levels stay normal and that the baby is okay. Its really relaxing to sit and listen to your babies little heart beat. I actually loved it.

Other than that, baby and Mommy look fine. Both Fat and Tired...

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