Thursday, December 08, 2005

Baby Watkins First Photo

Here is our little Bundle as of December 2, 2005. The doctor says that the baby's heart beat is perfect and I am about 12 weeks along. That puts us at June 22 as a due date. I had diabetes with Lillybug and he things that I'll probably have it with this baby. If that is the case Dr. Russ will probably take the baby a few weeks early (since diabetic mommies have bigger baby) So He/She might come a little earlier than later. Gracie was a week Late and I think he took Lilly a week early. I will probably have a C-section as well. (which I had with Lilly). That is the update for now.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey Babe,
If you ever need someone to complane to, I'm your girl. I was diabetic with Eliza too - and now of course our one on the way. Eliza was 9lbs 13oz thanks to the sugar problem - and I HATE the diet. My due date is August 2nd, but I'm aiming more for mid - July as the probable time of arrival. I'm jealouse you are as far along as you are. I'm sicker than a dog over here. Keep us updated!